It should come as no surprise that the Technical Editing SIG chose to recognize Diane Feldman with our DSSA (it was our first opportunity to do so, because you cannot recognize the current manager with the award). Diane has been an STC member for seventeen years and a Technical Editing SIG member for nearly ten years. Diane was the manager for our SIG for seven of those years! Diane led the rechartering of our SIG, secured numerous volunteers, brought new leadership on board, and continues to advise and guide the current SIG leadership. Additionally, as SIGs rose in importance as communities in STC, Diane volunteered to help with one of the first cross-SIG collaborations that helped SIG leaders across-the-board.

Diane will receive a plaque at the annual conference in honor of her recognition. The citation on this plaque will read: “For your exceptional leadership as the Technical Editing SIG manager and your continued mentoring, selfless contributions, and enthusiasm for the SIG and the technical editing profession.” Please join us in recognizing Diane Feldman for all of her past and continued contributions to the Technical Editing SIG. We would not be where we are today without her dedicated service.

The DSSA can be given each year to recognize up to one SIG member for every 1000 SIG members; that is, because the Technical Editing SIG has between 2000 and 3000 members, we can nominate up to three SIG members. Nominations are due by November 30, with the decision made at the DSSA January Board Meeting of STC.